Thursday, January 6, 2011

2nd Semester Week 1 Reflection

Took photos of house interior: 1 hour
Drawing: 2 hours
Writing: 1 hour
This is a large monotype that I drew on top of with oil pastel. I made this at the end of last semester, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. My plan for this semester is to continue with this process. This print took about 15 hours to complete, so I'm hoping to work on one each week. I also want to incorporate writing into my final work. I'm going to try writing the text at the same scale as the large monotypes to see how they relate to each other.

I'm also going to continue with the grayscale pastel drawings of the photos I took while I was home over break.

Dear House,

You used to hum me to sleep
with the heater's
bouncing up
from the basement.

I remember the murmur
of a lone car
driving down the street
through the blinking yellow light
at the corner.

And the springs on my bed
wretching beneath
my turning body
as I curled up tightly
to sleep.

I miss the light
cast on your walls-
moonlight behind branches
in an envelope
of darkness.

But mostly, I miss
the freighters' foghorn
resonating from the river
and the rumble of trucks
crossing the bridge at night-
your lullaby.

1 comment:

  1. Chrissy,
    The monotype/pastel turned out so well! You have a beautiful sense of light and color, and the way the prints line up actually makes some interesting linear movements. I can't wait to see it in person. I'm also excited about your writings. They seem to be improving as the year goes on. Are you taking any writings classes this year? Are you thinking about making prints of the text at the same scale as the prints on paper, or writing them straight onto the paper? What sort of relation do you see the prints and the writings as having to one another? Is one more important than the other? Do they need each other to exist? I will be stopping by your studio to check this out this week!
    Hope you had a great break!
