Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 6 Reflection

Continued working on aluminum plate: 4 hours
Printed plate: 1.5 hours
Reading: 9.5 hours
Looked at artists' books: 1.5 hours
Worked on project proposal: 5 hours
Drawing: 2 hours
Beveled edges of copper plate: 1.5 hours

This past week I continued working on the aluminum plate to get more darks. While it is darker, I think it could still use a little more refinement before I am ready to call it finished. I also beveled the edges of a copper plate so that I can make some monoprints next week, which I am really excited to do. I continued drawing spaces that I recalled from my childhood and plan to keep drawing so that I have plenty of sources to work from when I start monoprinting.

Most of my time this week was spent reading Psychology of the House by Olivier Marc and House as a Mirror of Self by Clare Cooper Marcus, which were both very helpful in thinking about my project proposal. I still found it difficult to articulate exactly what it is I am trying to do through my project, but I think my idea is becoming clearer both to myself, and hopefully to others, as well.

I also met with Annette Haines to look at some artists' books, and it was really enjoyable to see the various ways artists have put together books. So I am still playing around with the idea of making my own artist book.

1 comment:

  1. The prints look great, and they, and the drawings, have a very evocative feel to them. That feeling is partly in the drawing itself, but it's also in the fact that you're continuing to draw empty spaces, and especially spaces that open onto another space we can't feel. There's a real feeling of emptiness or loss--not necessarily in a bad way, but perhaps in a melancholy way.

    I have a very specific question about your two prints. They both look great, but in the second, darker one, you're losing some detail into the deeper ink--at least, that's how it looks on the screen. My question is, how do you feel about that? In some ways it adds to the mood.
