Working on plates: 5.5 hours
Printing: 2 hours
Drawing: 4 hours
Writing: 3 hours

I just saw Bob Dylan at the Hill Auditorium, and he was amazing! Aside from that, I did some more drawings this week. I'm trying to work on different perspectives: lower and closer up, but I'm having a hard time achieving what I see in my head. I think I'm having such a hard time because I have a limited understanding of perspective drawing, so it is challenging to create the images I'm looking for. I picked up a book on perspective, and I'm planning to work through it in order to improve my skills. I don't want my drawings to be purely focused on perspective, but I think working on the basics will really help push the quality of my images.

I also worked more on my basement door collagraph from earlier. I cut down the plate and eliminated the text to get the darkness that I intended in the original drawing. I'm kind of tired of this image now, but I like it much more after the changes.

I also continued working on the bedroom drypoint, creating more gradation within the image. I'm much happier with how it looks, but I'm still working into a little more. I've also decided I like this image much better on white paper than gray. The white pops more, and it really shows off the contrast between light and dark. I've also been trying to think about how to include text with this image, possibly below it on the same sheet of paper, or on a separate sheet. I'm also wondering if the text should be printed, handwritten, or digital. I think it would be best printed, but I'll have to experiment with it. So, I'm planning to continue drawing, printing, and writing next week.